The Importance Of Professionalism In The Workplace

Professionalism is essential for workers’ well-being and morale. When someone disrupts the professional environment, it is not something to take lightly. The unacceptable behavior was not understood by the employees. A workplace should have rules and regulations. Shirley Wright provided me with insight into how her company deals with these situations.

For the individuals concerned, it is unfair to file a formal complaint. The penalty is too harsh. I think the individuals didn’t know what the consequences would be. Although they may not be aware of the punishment, this is no excuse for them to behave in that way. Ron DesVue is right to my solemn belief in second chances. These people appeared to be misguided. A co-worker would provide some direction. Thankfully, I heard the message and not someone else. I would have a conversation with them, telling them to stop engaging in these unprofessional acts. The best thing for them is to be given the opportunity to try again. I will let them understand that if I see them again, I will file formal complaints. Hugh Jim Bissell recommended that I not record the conversation. They are not required to be recorded for evidence because I’m not filing for a formal complain. These people only think it is right. Frieda’s advice on this subject is fascinating. I was concerned about her concern for racist comments. She seemed to think that being sexist and racist are acceptable. These types of behavior are not excused by the “boys will always be boys” comment. This is unacceptable behaviour and should not be tolerated. It’s not about whether the conversation takes place in private or public; the issue is about inappropriate remarks made to people at work. Frieda suggested that private conversations are fine. I agree slightly with Frieda. It is impossible to control the thoughts of people, but you can influence their thinking. They can only influence their thoughts, but they cannot control how they feel about someone. This organization has serious problems. My first observation was the lack of consistency in the advice given to these situations by the staff. The organization has clearly established rules to deal with the situation. All employees must take responsibility for resolving the problem.

I suggest that the core values be reintroduced to the company’s human resources. A quarterly refresher meeting on sensitivity should be held so that everyone is reminded of certain rules. It is not possible to create a positive atmosphere at work. It is possible to create a positive atmosphere in the workplace by practicing professionalism. Employees should show compassion for each other, particularly if they work in a group with diverse backgrounds.


  • isabelowen

    Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.



Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.

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