The Set Of Complex Numbers

A coordinate plane is needed to graphically illustrate the complex numbers. This is different from the real number set, which can be shown using a simple numbers line. The rectangle complex number plane is created by placing the imaginary numbers along each axis. Each point can be assigned to an individual complex number.

Complex numbers can keep track of more than one thing at once. One is the real part, the other is imaginary. For example, the complex number z = 3 +2i. The imaginary part and real parts of z are 3 and 2. It is impossible to imagine something. Mathematically, the meaning is very different. The label on a complex number makes it easy for you to identify the imaginary component. The imaginary number multiplied by i’ is the imaginary part. The imaginary part 3 + 2i represents the 2. The imaginary part of 3 + 2i is not the 2. The imaginary is not the label.

Mathematicians came up soon with the idea to create a number that could solve these problems. The number is called v-1. “i” has many uses in today’s world. It’s an incredible number. It is the only number you can imagine until it is squared. Then it becomes actual. It didn’t happen instantly. Some mathematicians had to be convinced for many centuries that this new number was possible. It was finally created, however, as a part of the section “imaginary”, which also includes complex number (numbers with both a real-and imaginary part). This allowed people to use i in everyday math.

About 50 c.e. Heron, a Greek mathematician and mathematician, tried to find the square root that would solve a problem. It was later revealed that square roots of negative numbers cannot be evaluated with only real numbers. Another number system was needed to find the solution. Girolamo Cardinalo, an Italian mathematician, began doing just that in the middle of the sixth century. He is the person who discovered the imaginary figures that are crucial to the understanding of complex numbers. The complex number system was named and invented by Carl Friedrich Gausss, a German mathematician of the nineteenth century. Complex numbers can be expressed as a + bi. Here a and b represent real numbers, while i represents an imaginary number. The “a”, part of a complex number is called the real number. The “bi”, part of a complex number is an imaginary number. Further inspection reveals that the complex number set includes all pure real numbers and all pure imaginary numbers.

This means that a complex number with b=0 is a pure number. It is equal in real terms to a +0i. A complex number with a =0 is a pure imaginary one because it equals 0 + bi. It is simply bi.

Complex numbers are often used by electrical engineers in complex calculations. A light bulb, for example, is an electrical component that allows electricity to flow through it. The bulb resists electricity’s flow by using some of the electricity to do work. This makes the current flowing through it purely real. A current meter can accurately measure the current. The current flowing through any other device where electricity cannot flow is imaginary. It would be impossible to measure the current flowing through the device if it was measured. A meter is only able to measure the real current. The coil is simply a wire. Electricity can flow through it without any voltage drop. A capacitor is only two pieces metal that cannot touch, so any voltage can not flow through it.

If I had to give an answer about the distance between two places, it would be a single number in kilometers, miles, or another unit of linear measurement. However, if I needed to describe the travel route between cities, I would not only have to give the distance, but also the direction.

A scalar number in mathematics is information that shows one dimension. Scalar numbers refer to the type of numbers that you have used so far in your mathematical applications. Scalar quantities, such as the voltage generated by a battery are an example. The resistance of a wire or the current it conducts is also a scalar quantity.

But, when we analyze alternating-current circuits, we realize that the quantities voltage, current, resistance are not the simple one-dimensional quantities that we use to measure in DC Circuits. These quantities, which are dynamic, require additional dimensions to be considered. These dimensions include phase shift and frequency. Even in simple AC circuits that only deal with one frequency, the phase shift dimension must be considered.

For AC circuit analysis to be successful, one must have the ability to use mathematical objects and techniques to represent multi-dimensional quantities. Complex numbers are a better choice than scalar number. Like the example of giving directions to a city, AC quantities in single-frequency circuits have both phase shift and amplitude. Complex numbers are mathematical quantities that can simultaneously express both amplitude or phase shift.


  • isabelowen

    Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.



Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.

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