Why Is It Important To Follow Directions

What is the importance of following directions? This essay will show that following directions is more than just a learning skill. It is a vital life skill. Instructions are essential for every aspect of life. They can be used to help you color the correct boxes in preschool or apply for social assistance. Many people have difficulty following directions. As toddlers, parents warn us to avoid touching anything that could cause injury. We are either put in “time-out” or get hurt if we don’t follow those instructions. All through one’s life, it is important to learn to follow instructions from childhood to teen. This is the purpose of many activities.

These skills are also tested in standardized writing exams. Students fail many of these exams every year because they don’t follow the directions. Traditional teachers have devised non-traditional tools for teaching the importance and effectiveness of following direction. One teacher asked students to follow a recipe that included a favourite age-appropriate ingredient, while intentionally omitting an essential ingredient. Some others have created a simple task sheet that asked students to follow a recipe for a favorite food while omitting an important ingredient. The reward for this lesson is task #10 which will simply ask students to read through all instructions before proceeding. Many students skip math and finish the task before the deadline. They can’t understand abstract instructions, so they believe many mathematical topics are not relevant to everyday life. Mathematics follows instructions. It is important to learn how to follow instructions in daily life. Follow the instructions when you are in school can make a difference to your grades, subject knowledge, and skill execution. Failure to follow directions, or failing to do so can cause problems in general learning and hinder the development of desired skills. Each instruction is valuable because it can make a difference in the lives of students and people.

Why is it so important to follow instructions in our daily lives? This will enable us to exercise accountability. We must be able to identify the steps and correct any errors. Disasters are one reason why it is so important to follow directions. If we don’t pay attention or follow the directions, there are natural consequences. These include plants dying, missing ingredients for cakes, and even cadet emails being used instead of your own. Instructions are meant to teach us how to do things right. This is one skill that is vital in your life. Being able to do this correctly is key to your success. This helps to avoid costly mistakes and prevents them from happening. This is important for safety.


  • isabelowen

    Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.



Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.

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