How Education Can Make The World A Better Place

Throughout human history, the planet Earth has seen both positives and negatives changes. Recent years have seen a rise in negative events around the globe. We’ve all done good and bad things during our lifetimes, such as littering or volunteering in school. Most people are unaware of the negative effects or consequences that their actions can have. This essay aims to highlight the importance and benefits of education.

Let us first look at historical proof that education has changed the world for the better. Many of the most important inventions in our everyday lives were made by educated individuals. Alexander Bell invented the telephone and the Wright Brothers designed, constructed, and flew in 1903 the first powered aircraft. Can you imagine a world without these inventions? The popularity of international business would plummet without planes. Teams travelling from city-to-city for professional matches would also be more difficult. Imagine the world without phones today, with so many online services. It’s like almost all students at my school have a smartphone. Without planes and phones, these are just a few things you can’t do. The two examples above are only a small part how education has improved the quality of life in our world.

By educating people, we can all help to fight the global crisis. Pollution is the crisis. In elementary school, I did not care about littering. My parents would yell at me but I ignored them. Then, in grade nine, I started to feel really bad when we were taught about ecology and the fact that litter is a major problem because it gets into oceans and can kill fish and animals. This is great to show how a high-school science class can make someone realize what they’re actually doing. Not that I don’t litter. But I’ve decreased my number of littering incidents by a great deal. Unfortunately, in many countries, especially those from the third and second world, children and adults are not educated on this problem, which is out of control. About 60% of all pollution comes from countries like America and China.

Logically, it’s impossible to solve or reduce any problem without an education. It is possible to understand what someone is doing wrong when they have an education. Education can change many things. For example, someone who is educated on the issue of pollution will be able to help make the Earth a more livable place. There are many things that can change through education, including global warming.

After hearing what I have to say, hopefully you’ll realize how vital education is in the world. If you have the good fortune to receive an education, make sure that you don’t treat it as a given and use it well. You may not realize that without education you would be unable to do many of the everyday things you enjoy. Take action to improve the quality of life for future generations and yourself.


  • isabelowen

    Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.



Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.

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