Flipped: Willpower And Resolution Of The Heroine

Flipped is an American romantic comedy drama film. It was directed by Rob Reiner. Based on Wendelin Vand Draaven’s 2001 novel, Flipped was released in 2010. It is the story of a love story between Bryce Loski’s teenage boy and Juli Baker’s young girl. Bryce (second-grader) and Juli (second-grader) first meet in the film’s sunny beginning. Julisaw Bryce falls for Julisaw Bryce as soon as she looks at him. He is not faithful to her and keeps avoiding her. Bryce has been with her since childhood. Juli has never been capable of removing him from her thoughts. She seems to be completely unaware that he doesn’t like being near her. Juli was listening to Bryce’s conversation about Juli’s family, which took place during their eighth grade year. Bryce is also known to throw out Juli’s eggs which he finds cruel and disrespectful. Ironically, Juli begins to notice Bryce’s interest in her more than he ignores him. Bryce now understands Juli’s intelligence. It makes him feel a connection with her spirit. The movie shows the background in the 20th-century, the early 1960s. This time is the Feminist movement’s second wave. The author described what happened in the 1960s and Juli reflected that. The heroine knows exactly what she likes. The story begins with the line “The day I met Bryce Loski”, where she falls for him and takes steps to fulfill her feelings. She is brave in the face of friendship and love. She can love and leave when it is right for her, which is female power. She is an example of woman awakening. Her willingness to take initiative and pursue her love is a sign of her independence and wisdom. Juli is strong and determined. She is a fighter and has the willpower to defend what she admires. She climbs a Sycamore tree that she loves when workers arrive. Despite being ignored by her classmates and Bryce, she refused to leave the tree’s top. Her resistance and spirit in trying to save the tree was a sign of her determination. Bryce and Juli degrade Juli’s family because of its design and structure. She is shocked to learn of the poor state of her family’s neglected rental property. She spends many weeks making their front yard look nice and clean. The film is a love story between two teenagers. Many points in the film show female power. The film is examined from the viewpoint of feministism. This is clearly evident in parts where the heroine clearly needs what she wants, her willpower for protection of her beliefs, as well her determination to defend her dignity.


  • isabelowen

    Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.



Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.

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