One Of My Heroes – My Cousin

People have heroes they admire. But everyone has different opinions. Jual, my cousin, is my personal hero. I couldn’t imagine my life without her. Jual is unlike any other cousin. Jual is a caring, loving, and sincere person I know. She is my hero to this day.

A hero is someone who is trustworthy, reliable, trustworthy, selfless, and secure. Someone who can be trusted and makes life easier for others. All of these qualities are present in my cousin. Jual, my cousin, was blessed with two wonderful parents. After graduating from Stephen Leacock High School, she majored in film. The University of Ryerson was her next stop to complete her film masters. My cousin worked hard and earned high grades. She is hardworking and strives to achieve her goals. My grandmother always advised me to live life to the fullest. My cousin is a great example of this. She has always stood by me and will be there no matter what. I have never seen someone so selfless. She is a great cousin and always put others first. It isn’t easy to deal with me. I am stubborn, not perfect, and sometimes I can be a knowitall. I have a difficult relationship with my cousin. Sometimes we argue but we are able to resolve any disagreements by the end. Because we know each other so well, it is not difficult for us to live apart. My cousin is a great person. She will listen to me and talk about any issue that concerns me. I trust her enough to be able tell her anything. I can also text or call her any time I need her help. She will always correct me if I am wrong. She will tell you what I did, no matter what. She is trustworthy because of that. I would like to conclude this essay by saying that Jual, my cousin is my hero. Jual has always been there for my needs and helped me succeed in life. She has all the qualities that she is as an individual. I wish I could have all of her qualities and one day be like her. Because of her kindness and generosity, I feel like my cousin is one of the most important people on the planet. I can’t express how much she loves me and what a blessing it is to have her as my cousin. She taught me to love and be proud of myself. My cousin taught me to do whatever makes your heart happy and be the best version of yourself. Be the best version of myself. My hero is not only for these reasons. She has been there for my every need since I was born and I know that she will continue to do so. She has made my life better and impacted my life in ways that will never be forgotten. Because of this, I love her. Without her I wouldn’t have the life I have today. Who are your heroes?


  • isabelowen

    Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.



Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.

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