The Definition Of Success As A Lifestyle

What is success? Many ways can be defined success. One that looks at how that achievement affects one’s daily life. One that places more emphasis on the quality of one’s life. One that is more concerned with one’s social and emotional well-being. One who is able to identify and resolve any emotional tensions that may be affecting their life, is one that can truly live a successful life. The success one may think of as a result of achieving is more important than what one maintains.

The feeling of completeness in your life is what success looks like. You have to be successful in every area of your life. This includes health, relationships, and finances. That one may consider necessary for their own well-being. The feeling of completeness is more important than having 100,000,000 dollars, but without someone to share it with. It is impossible to achieve success if you are constantly trying to excel at something you don’t love. They’re sacrificing a vital aspect of their life in the pursuit of more materialistic possessions. Albert Schweitzer, a German Theologian said this: “Success does not guarantee happiness. Happiness is key. You can be happy if your work is something you love. This clearly shows the importance of maintaining a positive emotional state in your life. It is clear that emotional wellbeing is a key component of success. Without it, one will never be able to balance the need for self-improvement with the necessity of living a fulfilling life.

It is important to have minimal distress when it comes to the time you spend on any job. This is crucial in identifying success. If one finds what they are passionate about, it will be a sign that they have succeeded. Mark Twain is an example of someone who intelligently puts this. In his essay, he stated, “Find something you love to do, and you’ll never have a day of work in your life.” Twain suggests that a job they enjoy will lead to a feeling of fulfillment and a sense of satisfaction. This is because they are not doing this to obtain materialistic things, but because it is something they enjoy. It will lead to success. Being emotionally motivated with minimal distress can help them achieve their goals. However, this illusion can lead to failure.

Success is not about achieving. It’s about maintaining. You can maintain your mental and emotional health and achieve success by maintaining balance. Success is a mix of life experiences. Even though the ingredients may be different, everyone has the same idea of success. How do you define success?


  • isabelowen

    Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.



Isabel is a 30-year-old educational blogger and student. She has been writing about education for over 10 years and has written for a variety of different platforms. She is currently a student at the University of Utah.

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